For Ways To Ease Their Fears

On the outside looking in
Or the inside looking out
Not even on the learning fringe
Of what life is all about

Some pre-suppose a purpose
And are certain there's a meaning
It gives them false security
When they really have no gleaming

Not accepting the unknown
They go ecclesiastical
Turning to the prelates
Who preach beliefs fantastical

They're not seeking reality
But for ways to ease their fears
They'll be forever on the fringe
Throughout their living years

by Stan Cooper...4/21/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 622 times
Written on 2010-05-02 at 16:58

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
When I look on the U S A , kind of like looking a parelel country of what could have been hear , looking on makes me fell kind guilty , of what was left behind , when the Brits got ther arse kicked , the Brits went back , but kind of moved forward , it was rasesim the Brits left behind , in New York city among many places their.
Ken ( D Williams )