Our Plasticized Society

We spend and spend and spend some more
In our plasticized society
And end up knocking on the Poor House door
With our spending impropriety

Commercials on those TV shows
Tell us what we need
At super salesmanship they're pros
They convince us with their greed

We buy this, we buy that
Our credit cards max-out
Before we know it, we're broke and flat
'Cause we couldn't do without

Having no dinero
Is our personal recession
With our pockets full of zero
We go into depression

Money grew on trees, we thought
We know now we misperceived
The lesson that leaves us most distraught
Is that trees can lose their leaves

by Stan Cooper...4/9/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 625 times
Written on 2010-05-09 at 14:21

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Their greed becomes our greed. The day it became apparent it was possible to package rocks as pets and that people would buy them was the beginning of the end of ethical capitalism.
Good write Stan. The science of Psycho-Marketing ought to be shackled!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
''THEY'' , propgandersise us , program us , to BYE BYE NOW , pay tomorrow or soje time in the far futcher , perches what we do relly need , to confuse need with wont , to see not homes but property , property grows in wealth , who needs as silly home , 'tis prpoty '' you wont'' , when the ppore house we find our selfs , then at least we are all equal , the pore house hear was callde '' the union work house started in the 19th cenchery , fore those of us who had no work poverty was our way of life , going strong to the 1950's , maybe THEY will deside thst the work house should be the way again,
Ken ( D Williams )