Love lives in the holy temple in the heights and comes down to meet me a shivering chick. Love loves me so intimately that i become an eagle.
such is the power of Love.

Chick became an Eagle

Beyond the world of the skies
in unending heights
there lives Love
in the high holy temple.

At dusk, in the mild mystic light,
when the day and night kiss
only for a moment as their fate is,

Love came to the gates
of the holy temple
to climb down
steps innumerable.

At the end of the steps
stood I like a shivering chick
in utter darkness.

Love came to me,
arms widespread
breaking the shells of my loneliness
to cradle my whole being.

Ecstacies came! ! !

Courage filled my vanes! ! !

Love shook me out of fear,
and cured my inner wounds.

Love is all that I am.

Love came to set me free.

In the flush of love's light
I become bold
and take my flight,
into the world of delight.

It was the flight of an eagle.

(love alone can transform a shivering chick into an eagle.)
mixing up of tenses is intentional.

Poetry by Dr.Antony Theodore
Read 373 times
Written on 2010-06-29 at 13:34

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