my love for you is so strong. i will kiss you so intimately to free you from the Hades and when you fly away into the heavens, i shall wait here on the earth till the day comes that i come to meet you in the heavens.

If you die before me.

If you die before me
I would jump down into your grave
And hug you so innocently
That angels will become jealous.

I shall kiss you
And press your body against me.
I shall shiver in your presence
I shall sweat and dance with you
In the nether world.

We shall dance soft and then wild.
We shall dance together.
As one body.
Dance so long and fine like a poem
Until the Lords of the dark world faint.

Then you will be free and fly away
From me into the world of the heavens
Where angels shall kiss your sacred body
Then you need no space to live and breathe.

Into that world of purity you will go
And I will be here on earth
Dreaming of your joys with
The Heavenly spirits.

Shall I wait
Shall I wait at dusk and dawn
with such desire and passion
To reach you oneday
in your world of happiness.

Poetry by Dr.Antony Theodore
Read 300 times
Written on 2010-06-29 at 13:40

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