English Rules

English rules Brits, with authority, tout
Arbitrary rules they're so adamant about
The need for Q to be followed by U
The reason for this, we haven't a clue

It shouldn't be an awful transgression
Confronting Brits with a U-less suggestion
Writing Qs that are U-less
Would in fact confuse-less

Brits, if you change your rules just a little
Your language will be a little less brittle
It may at first cause you a tear
But your English will be a little less qeer

by Stan Cooper...6/21/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 625 times
Written on 2010-07-04 at 17:06

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lolz...thats funny or like entertaining...tho i think each language have is "weird"..or "confusing" part which makes it special..and unique..like look it just made u write a poem hehe...nice one..i like

lolz...thats funny or like entertaining...tho i think each language have is "weird"..or "confusing" part which makes it special..and unique..like look it just made u write a poem hehe...nice one..i like

Your just trying to give Qebec another reason to separate! :-)