a butterfly ball

they took me

by surprise

as if in

not after

a day dream

around my feet

as I sat

under my elder tree

where butterflies

drying their wings

flat on the warm

stone pathway

red and yellow and black

black and speckled gold

it was not just the buddleja

though its tiny golden hearted

purple flowers would help

but no

not entirely

they must have hatched

I think

from where I know not

but here they were

as in a dream

though real



antenae bending

wings lifted

then downwards

in the warm

gentle breeze

our cat, Katriona,

was oblivious to all this

or maybe she was just

as spellbound as me

on such a day

as never before

my feet


by gentle butterflies

Poetry by Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 942 times
Written on 2010-07-08 at 13:03

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Such moments don't come often. You captured the image for us, thank you. I saw an oak tree turned orange with migrating Monarchs. I was 18 and too busy to stop and admire the sight, thinking it would come again. Of course it never has.

Kathy Lockhart
splendid imagery! awww I am so relaxed. I love the last lines. : )

Nature suprises us sometimes with it's beauty and butterflies fall into that category. Kat for short?

To be guarded by beauty must be emblematic of having a clear conscience and being at peace with the world!
What a lovely thought...if countries had armies...of butterflies.
Thank you,

Rob Graber
Most tranquil; odd name for a cat!?