Phobic Disorder

'Vice versa' means the order reversed
Does 'versa vice' mean reversed order?
With questions like this I'm overly immersed
Perhaps I've a phobic disorder

I doubt it's normal to ponder and question
Each ponderable that comes my way
Can't seem to stop this mind boggled obsession
The cause of my phobic dismay

A Shrink might free me of this neurosis
This psychosis that keeps me obsessive
Or will I be stuck with a psycho prognosis
Of an inquisitiveness over excessive

This phobic disorder will no doubt remain
I can't my inquisitiveness purge
I'll never be able to completely restrain
My relentless questioning urge

by Stan Cooper...11/14/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 649 times
Written on 2010-07-19 at 15:39

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liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
WOW! Never would have
thought of a poem using vice versa
VERY clever & witty


omg ur fun...ur relaly good.. i love this work...fabulous ..!! well dnt restrain..that lol...

Rob Graber
Let's hope not! Enjoyed.