Happy In His Work

I know a guy who over sipped
When drunk he's too bizarre
For legal work he's not equipped
He'd never pass the bar

He couldn't be a surgeon
He's much too much a cut-up
With probably no urge-in
To carve a patients gut-up

He thought perhaps he'd be a cop
But straight-shooting was not his game
Overly saturated with beer and hops
Bearing arms was not his aim

So in this bar he couldn't pass
He's on a daily bender
Happy working with shots in glass
As the pass-less bar bar-tender

by Stan Cooper...7/27/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 669 times
Written on 2010-08-01 at 18:45

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u are really amazing...i loved ur title...suits ur poem a lot..so does the pic..i love it all
and im happy reading ur work haha :)

Great piece Stan, you certainly have a way with words and rhyme, I'm smiling on a sunday.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Stan , maybe he'd could of been world champion , hitting the 8 ball , if only he'd not have had one over the 8