The Thud Of Silence

We're bombarded with sound
From the time we awake
It stays the day round
Impossible to shake

Almost endless, this cacophony
Appallingly surrounds us
This cacophonic noise monotony
Continuously pounds us

Clanging bells
Screeching tires
Angry yells
Conveying ire

Talk, talk, talk and talk some more
Unfruitful endless chatter
Designed to offend and bore
With words that do not matter

With a thud of silence, noise now past
Head on pillow, the world seems right
The cacophony, thankfully does not last
As we peacefully dream in our silent night

by Stan Cooper...7/31/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 646 times
Written on 2010-08-04 at 17:38

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Oh the silence can be deafening, but we do live in such a noisy society, 'tis difficult to find some real peace, sounds like you get your peace when your head hits the pillow.

Great poem, but I cannot help but think of the sound of chips hitting green felt when I think of you.


ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Beware the thud of silence , silence can be the loudest of all , especially as we listen too our thoughts , in our mind replay events of the day , events of years past , come back in too our minds , recall us back too relive in our dreams , or events awaiting us in the coming morn , silence can be so damned loud!
Cheers , Stan , Toon

Dawn, or just before, is the least cacophonous of times...but then again, it's for the birds. Actually I thought Nevada to be the quietest state...outside of the big cities.
Good one, Nick