Free At last...Well, Kind Of

By gee, by golly, by gosh
Jeanne flew to Seattle, Wash
One week away from Stan
Who's now a weak bachelor man
By gee, by golly, by gosh

By gee, by gosh, by golly
Jeanne-less Stan's not very jolly
In his throat there's a lump
For her going alone he's a chump
By gee, by gosh, by golly

By gosh, by golly by gee
No Jeanne's omelets with jam raspberry
Stan's a bachelor forlorn
So sorry she's gone
By gosh, by golly by gee

by Bachelor Stan...8/23/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 625 times
Written on 2010-08-28 at 17:31

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
she is having a fab time...and you're right, I miss her

xxx Stan

See, you miss us women when we aren't around, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I expect you're counting the days until your next omlette, hope Jeanne is having a fab time.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
The Song Of The Bachelor:
If cant be cooked in the microwave ,
The it aint proper food ,
Plates , knifes and forks wash them self's ,
Cups to , well known facked that is ,

When the little woman returns ,
Just in time , the last pair of undeys ,
Being worn.

I am hiding from gogle!
Ken (D Williams)