Ain't Gonna Last

Longtime matrimonial devotion, unlikely and rare
Too many marriages now a short term affair
In our transient mobile society
Forever-marriages, gain notoriety

In the twenty-first century we're now in
Don't expect things to remain as they've been
Foreseen permanence from simpler times past
In all probability, most ain't gonna last

by Stan Cooper...1/29/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 673 times
Written on 2010-09-13 at 22:56

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John Ashleigh
Social reforms of attitude ... This poem is bang-on. Thankyou for sharing your views!


Marriage!! Last? Just try to find a toaster that'll work daily, for a couple of years!! The lasting thing is no good for consumerism...Funny thing is Nevada figured this out before the rest ;-) I remember driving through many years back and seeing billboards written, "Marriage or Divorce- 1 hour. $50"
and thinking what a good idea!
All the best Stan. May you and your married life emulate the energizer bunny....

Purple Phoenix
Sadly, there is much truth to this Stan, but one can always hope. xxx

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Maybe Stan the marriage service should end with '' till devorse us do part ''