If this poem confuses any of it's readers, consider the fact that I was
confused when I wrote it

Is and Ain't

Is is Is and Ain't is Ain't
A concept short and sweet
Most skeptics who deny it
Find their twitters just don't tweet

A goldfish in its little bowl
Swims around its universe
Knowing naught outside his bowl
Is that poor fishes curse

If he could see beyond his fin
What Is and what's not Ain't
He'd less accept his small bowl bounds
And register complaint

But when Is becomes Ain't and Ain't becomes Is
Life retains confusion
Within this topsy-turvy world of ours
We don't need these strange delusions

Much the same as fish are we
As we swim within our limits
Bewildered by the Is and Ain'ts
Like fish, we're mental midgets

by Stan Cooper...9/12/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 793 times
Written on 2010-09-20 at 12:24

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Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Just brilliant! Thanks again for the smile you bring my day. :-) Great cartoon too!

Is I confused or ain't I? Confusion makes the world go round, glad you're spinning Stan.

Barbara Carleton
Ken, the scary thing IS, I understood this perfectly!
Now, AIN'T that a hoot? :-)

Well...Iz says I ain't
but I yam what I yam!
And although I oughtn't
Maybe I can?

Good writiin' Stan
We're all confused,
Some just don't know it!


:-) but is or ain't man condemned to be free?
enjoyed it!