
It's generally conceded
That a sense of humor's needed
To escape from societal insanities

We don't need the avarice and greed that seem to fuel us
Nor the smallness of the minds of those who rule us
Who keep us bordered on the fringe of inhumanity

When possible, we can try to block them out
With fun and things to laugh and joke about
Providing us at least a momentary hiccup

Laughter's most essential for relieving
The heart-aches of societal deceiving
There's nothing better than good humor for a pick-up

by Stan Cooper...9/24/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1389 times
Written on 2010-10-03 at 18:52

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Some times a joke , a sense of humor. Can disarm the beast , a friend of mine was stopde , by a cop. To expliane why she was where she was. He was not emprest by the answers she gave. So he had her empty her bag. Out witch came a carrot. The cop lookde and could not stop him self from laughing. Yes my friend had a carrot , and was not afraid to eat it! But some times all we have to get back at those who are set above us , who legerly thief from us , hold us down.

Hear, hear. There can be too much superficiality in some social situations. But then nothing beats the chuckles with true friends when discussing said situations! C

Stan, my poet friend
I thunk it was the end
Keep it going
Please don't leave us
It is people like you
on we depend

Esti D-G
Darn right! I always laugh when I read your poems!

I liked it very much

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Satire , as British as roast beef , way back when the Georgians sat on the throne , a time when it was shown the emprer wore no cloths , the time freed humeriest to take the piss out of kings and politician's , houmer is some times the last form of defence and attack of those who suppress , oppress , long live the mickey taker's, those who sendup put down those who deserve it so .
Thanks Stan , keep it coming.
Ken ( D Williams)

Purple Phoenix
The day I stop seeing humour in life, is the day I call it quits. Laugh and say what the hell! :) x

Sounds like you have a case of political awareness, but unlike some you are working on a solution Stan! I think I need to add after you final line "and reading Stans poetry.!

Much of this business must be a joke! Maybe of the grin and bear it genre! :-)
Lets all keep on smiling, Stan.

jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
the sound of a nail being hit on the head is evident here-
and once this blessed state is acheived we can truly look around us.
great write stan