The Fate Of A Top

It's the fate of a top to do nothing but spin
Spinning around and around
Somehow it seems to be too much akin
With some humans, doing nothing profound

Much like most of us spinning our wheels
Tops spin around with no sense
Going nowhere our spinning reveals
Much like the tops, we're quite dense

by Stan Cooper...9/23/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 743 times
Written on 2010-10-23 at 17:34

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Thanks Stan. I must put on my winter tires ;-)
This one is extremely well thought out.
It begs the question though, what is profound, and what is not ;-)
All the best Stan,

Purple Phoenix
Once again you make me smile here Stan. Too true. :)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
BUT ,when the top stops a spinning , to what side does dos it land , to what dos it point to , that is the questan I find me asking.

Esti D-G
Lovely ditty, Stan
