With all due apologies to Messrs Gilbert and Sullivan

I Am The Very Model

I am the very model of a young octogenarian
I've been known to read more books than any old librarian
I speak the English language and a scosci bit of Japanese
I eat in fancy restaurants where the waiters know I tip with ease

When I play chess with masters, I checkmate with the best of them
I jest with jesting jesters and jest better than the rest of them
I'm a golfing pro who's noted best for all my many holes in one
A very entertaining bloke am I with expertise in making fun

My aging eyes need prodding so I wear some stylish goggles
They're helpful when I peer at ladies with my avaricious ogles
I've no religiosity, I'm not even Presbyterian
Musically I've been likened to a very young Wagnerian

I'm known to be that young-ish guy, fair and unassailable
I'll be wherever needed, I'm readily available
Why I pull for those oppressed is certainly no mystery
I'm the ageless octogenarian who'll be read about in history

I'm not a star in Hollywood, but surely I'm not starry-eyed
Children follow me around like I'm Robert Browning Piper-Pied
When it comes to politics, I'm the number one contrarian
I'm the very contrary model of a young octogenarian

by Stan Cooper...10/223/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 849 times
Written on 2010-10-30 at 20:38

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Purple Phoenix
You're sure not a vegetable Stan... but the mineral AU springs to mind. ;) Loved this... now I can't get the tune out of my head... hahaha! :) xx

Stan, this is priceless, I'm still grinning. Great word religiosity. I'm just imagining you singing it :)

jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
This made me laugh so much I had to wipe away the tears on my pinafore :)
The model indeed stan...bookmarked.