Young Love Is Really Swell

It never should have happened
But it did
It never should have happened
But it did
What explains it is their youth
And that's the dog-gone truth
It never should have happened
But it did

They married much too young
Yes they did
They married much too young
Yes they did
Youthful passion made them hurry
With young sex thinking that was blurry
They married much too young
Yes they did

Golden-agers warned them not to
Yes they did
Golden-agers warned them not to
Yes they did
They were sure thing money wagers
They wouldn't heed those Golden-agers
Golden-agers warned them not to
Yes they did

Fifty years have come and gone
Yes indeed
Fifty years have come and gone
Yes indeed
They're happy Golden-agers now
Glad they took their loving vows
Fifty years have come and gone
Yes indeed

Will they warn their head-strong youngsters
Yes they will
Will they warn their head-strong youngsters
Yes they will
Fifty years have taught them well
Young love is really swell
But they'll warn their head-strong youngsters
Yes they will

by Stan Cooper...12/19/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 749 times
Written on 2010-11-12 at 19:17

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Purple Phoenix
And they won't listen, just like we didn't! Ahhh all that wisdom by the wayside. You had me singing again Stan! :)

Phyllis J. Rhodes
Totally charming and totally true!! My mother had tuned 15 two months before marrying my Dad who was 22. They had 69 years and 9 kids together before death seperated them. But they encouraged all their kids to wait for marriage.