Political Pontification

The Dems, the party of 'Spineless'
The G O P, the party of 'No'
With their leaders acting so mindless
Our nation's in for much woe

Working together via compromise
Is a skill beyond their conception
It seems they've more need to antagonize
With their onerous ways of deception

They blindly can't see eye to eye
This failure of Congresses' macula
In plain American vernacular
Smells up to the sky

Our founders turn in their graves
Their aspirations now disrespected
For America, "the home of the brave"
This is not what they ever expected

by Stan Cooper...11/18/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 688 times
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Written on 2010-11-30 at 15:04

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
The U K politicians not so different. As you know we have a collision government Tory's ( means bandits by the way I kid you not ) with the librill fdemocrats ( formaly the librals at one time called The Wigs ) The librasls had been out of power fore over 80 years. So when Cameron came knocking ,offering power to Clegg offering power. Well I wonder if they gave each other tong!!
Ken ( D Williams )

John Ashleigh
There are some forces that we cannot forecast. - This was a pleasure to read, as usual.


John Prine once wrote;
Blow up the TV, throw away the paper
Go to the country. Build you a home.
...and that was 30 years ago.

The system behind presidents has dumbed down the game. They can't afford to have another hero or highly esteemed character in office. Such a person might wrestle the balance of power away from them.

Fince humour Stan
...and it gave me a chance to quote John Prine, better stil! ;-)

We might as well take a two year nap. Nothing is going to happen. As always, humorously written, and humor is in short supply on the topic, and much appreciated. I'm so sick of the bombast, the pig-headedness. Between reality shows and talk shows and political posturing, it's gotten ridiculous. What would the founding fathers have thought? I'm sure that had their own version of this, but overcame and got it done. Ain't gonna happen with this crowd, afeared as they are of getting on the wrong side of media.

Phew, venting is good. Thanks.