this piece of silliness came about as a result of my wife Jeanne challenging
me to write a poem about "uncanny"...Who know, she may never challenge
me again, and who would blame her

Simply Uncanny

I loved my sixth grade teacher, Miss Blumenstock
In fantasy I with Miss Blumenstock, interlocked
It was simply uncanny
How she made me feel manly

When I dreamed of her torso
I felt manly even much more-so
To her I was completely devoted
But alas, I soon was promoted

With years flying by, by now she's a granny
But I still dream of her, now ain't that uncanny?!!

by Stan Cooper...11/26/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 749 times
Written on 2010-12-05 at 05:10

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I agree with Jim.
How's that going for ya?

Be careful what you wish for Jeanne! But as always Stan is good for the health, they say laughter is the best medicine.

Did she next challenge you to write a poem about "sleeping on the sofa?"

John Ashleigh
Simply uncanny, indeed. A light-spirited peice of literature with a hint of hilarity. A pleasure to read, brightened up my day.
