"Let The Punishment Fit The Crime"

Your Honor, it's inconceivable
You're finding that DNA evidence believable
That crime scene blood can't be mine
The only liquid in my veins is wine

The hair found at the scene shouldn't convict me
I've no hair on my head so it doesn't depict me
On DNA that is not evidentiary
You can't send me off to the penitentiary

The D A's case, is horribly grisly
His evidence, though, is woefully flimsy
Judge, if you knew me, you'd know if I could have
Killed my ex-wife, I happily would have

Long ago we were blissfully married
But for twenty-five years I was nothing but harried
Your Honor, "Let the punishment fit the crime"
I believe in the law, but I've served my hard time

by Stan Cooper...11/26/2010 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 711 times
Written on 2010-12-10 at 15:09

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Jim...thanks for your astute comment, which I fully agree with


could have
would have
SHOULD have!

(Your Honor looks sympathetic)