Lake Durant

In the morning's chill
Blue Mountain cuts through the mist
That covers the lake like a featherbed.

Clad in fleecy jackets
Three children crouch on an island rock
That draws the ducks to share their breakfast.

Remembering the evening
Lake sunset soft with calls of loons
I watch the children in the mist

And feel peace.

Poetry by Nancy Sikora
Read 814 times
Written on 2010-12-30 at 22:18

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You've taken me to where I want to take my new grandson. A place that is beautiful and peaceful in its own right, but truly special when seen through the eyes of a child.

vladimir todor turmanev
A very descriptve,(tranquil),scene.

Ten lines and I feel as if I've been on vacation for ten days. This hits home, especially as a parent.
