Why Santa Is A Bachelor

Santa Claus, alias Kris Kringle
Remains unabashedly single
He's most certain it's not at all folly
So sure it's his best way to stay jolly

Where could he find a lady with enough whimsy, to
Marry a guy familiar with chimney flues
Who goes around chirping his Ho-Ho Hoses
Buddy-ing with reindeers who have cute reddened noses

He's happily married to his once a year fame
So why screw it up with a year-around dame
He's loaded with kids, though they're everyone else's
So he'll stick to his reindeer and his hard-working elves-is

by Stan Cooper...12/19/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 754 times
Written on 2011-01-01 at 02:41

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Winston Latanafrancia Soldevilla
Its a mind tickling question my friend. Is he really a bachelor? I am really curious. Happy new Year my friend.

January 2, 2011

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh, my goodness, Jim...
I wasn't aware of any Mrs. Claus...I hope I haven't
stirred up problems for Santa...

and Happy New Year to you too


This is going to come as quite a shock to Mrs Claus.

Happy new year,