With respectful apologies to Cole Porter

Night and Day

From the beat beat beat of my dentures
As I strive to chew my food
From the clack clack clack
So out of whack
Sounding oh so rude
To the movement of the plastic
That has me oh so glum
I now deplore them
And so implore them
Relieve my wounded gums

Night and day
Why is it so
That these dentures remain with me
Wherever I go
In my oral cavity
They haven't done much good for me
Night and day
Day and night

Night and Day
Inside the mouth of mine
There's oh such a hunger yearning
For a successful tasty dine
But this I know and think
I'll only be sipping on liquid drinks
Night and Day
Day and Night

by Stan Cooper...1/30/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 814 times
Written on 2011-02-02 at 12:48

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We often take teeth for granted, but good you reminded me...

:) what an irony and if we think about life, this is what we do often..