Belly Buttons

Buttons on bellys
Are bodily misplaced
Failing cosmetically
They're a total waste

A button with no button hole
Is like a king with no queen
Like a shoe with no sole
Not at all pristine

Fasteners are what buttons are
But for bellys they're just worthless
Belly buttons, useless and bizarre
Are nothing more than surplus

by Stan Cooper...3/7/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 818 times
Written on 2011-03-23 at 12:45

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John Ashleigh
Very funny. :)


Toonist The PoetBay support member heart!
Dear Bard I thought you were an ex airman seems like you're a navel man xx

I couldn't agree more Stan, eew, they don't do it for me. Just there to stop bits falling out I reckon.