apologies to my British friends for third line in second stanza...


English teachers, with professorial elation
Teach their students correct conjugation
They explain how to properly conjugate verbs
So their written creations would be more than just blurbs

"I am, you are, he is" a random sample
Of verb conjugation, an ample example
Though English at times appears British-y snooty
When written with care, it's a language with beauty

Incorrect coupling of words is rarely ignored
They bring to the reader writing abhorred
To create English prose universally desired
Conjugate know-how is for writers required

by Stan Cooper...3/29/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 691 times
Written on 2011-04-07 at 04:34

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Nancy Sikora
"To create English prose..." Aye, there's the rub. If we stick to poetry, we may take our poetic license and run away with it, leaving conjugation behind. :-)

Aw, conjugatin' ain't everything.
What sets right with with a man
Is when he knows he done right.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
English funny old language , while yet young , always changeing , new words added almost daily , I have a freind , well educaited , one bamboozalde me , may as wel of been speking swarely , fore all I could understnd him , when I spoke , I usde words nether him nore his wife undeerstood me , too the dicanerky she went too find out of what I spoke , I put a spoke in his cleverness , with out that beeing my intenshan!