Grand Delusions

"Peace on earth
Good will toward men"
"Peace in our time"

Three grand delusions
Look for them
Alice's Wonderland

by Stan Cooper...4/3/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 680 times
Written on 2011-04-11 at 13:19

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
In my mind came: In my hand i have a peace of paper . Ended up on nail's in many a latrines.
Some men had a book in their breast pockets. Good cigeret paper it has too be said. Other lot had a name on thire belt buckle , well it stoped them being calt wea'r the pants around their knee's. So did some good I suppose. A name , title and a good book we'r good rolling backy paper.
Ken D Williams