This is about a simple conversation with a friend who was drunk enough to blurt out the ugly truths about me. And that was the first time he ever drank and I could see that he was sad. I don't know the reason why he started drinking but I surely know my

A weekend experience

His scary yet amusing self, blatantly blurts,
the upshot of the ecstatic nectar,
docility supplanted, by gusto that laid inert
within, materialize as a specter.

An ambience, smoke and inebriation clad,
a haven, to the mirthful souls ,
so as to those to whom life is tuned sad,
as songs of well-being that condole.

Amid ensemble of voices, clumsy and raised,
seated was my friend and I,
his emotions as varied as cursing to praise,
inviting, from me, a wordless sigh.

Words, noted as pronounced by the greats,
that spark of wisdom and truth,
semblance of which, I see, through his state,
his mind, volatile, yet senses acute.

Faith in god, in me, and a few close ones,
his fervent words did express,
unloading all emotions, on those he shunned,
amid gestures, to the milieu addressed.

As a mirror, that aids, showing our selves, intact,
to conceal blots upon body and face,
blots upon my clean self his verbal flurry reflects,
few truths, ugly, about me he traced.

Intoxication upon his senses still amassed,
and an embarrassment upon mine,
for realize I did that his words' truth surpassed,
a segment of my character, wrongly inclined.

Exchanges, countless, of feelings and words,
caters to the passing mirthful hours,
along with the bill that, to my shock, rewords,
a cost, that over our expectation, towers.

As night crept deeper, we head on home,
my friend's steps, nearly spanned the road,
dizziness upon his sanity conforms,
on his face I saw all vigor erode.

Thus he summons my shoulder's support,
a favor as a friend I did bestow,
elated was I to see his descent and effort,
to sobriety, some silent moments through.

Reasons for seeking the insidious liquor's refuge,
neither I asked, nor did he tell,
sorrow, I presumed, drove him, to reluctantly infuse,
within, the assumed enlivening spell.

A lively montage of interactions, it's been,
whence I truly learned my flaws,
and since then my friend saw another self of me,
just as of him, that weekend, I saw.

Poetry by Nilotpal Sarmah
Read 250 times
Written on 2011-04-12 at 02:48

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