This or That

Deciding between this or that
Not knowing just where it's at
Without good judgment to get it solved
Brings frustration for all those involved

Some toss coins to choose the right course
But no logician would this course endorse
Some profoundly go "eeny meeny miney mo"
But that's not precisely the precise way to go

So when deciding if it be that or this
Think it out carefully to not go amiss
When an intelligent decision is most sorely needed
The suggestion above should be forthrightly heeded

by Stan Cooper...3/26/11 Graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 661 times
Written on 2011-04-18 at 13:34

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I consider my self of a positive disposition , but I could be wrong , I have two coins , one a doable header , other is double tailed , just what coin too toss and call , gives me some concern , by the time I decided , events decide for me , becomes a resolved decision!
chears , Stan

Ooo the indecision, nicely put and I admit to a bit of head scratching and face pulling at times when weighing up an "intelligent decision."