Kamzati is a Chichewa word that means a supporting pole of an African traditional hut. It is usually on the middle of the hut and it supports the house. Usually strong tropical indigenous tree types are used. The word happen to be my middle name and thro


Small it might seem
Though slim
But the hut roof stays firm
Weak it may feel
but the southern storm reveal
of the strength it conceal

Poetry by Mayamiko Seyani
Read 869 times
Written on 2011-04-26 at 10:42

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There is that support that is not often seen or well esteemed but always necessary and useful. I remember having had to pitch tents during military exercises. On inspection one particular tent we put up was found to be "wobbly" but come the strong winds on the mountaintops our tent was the only one left standing. You have a wonderful middle name.

Silent Philosopher
We, like that hut, all need something to support us through life's storms. Very nice!

Thanks for the explanation, it's good to learn. Your poem may be small, but perfectly formed and executed.

in my native language, the same is also known as 'toloita', some dialects call it 'tonokta'
lovely read, well captured!

John Ashleigh
Interesting topic, and an equally impressive write. Thankyou for sharing.
