Facts Of Life

The facts of life, for the young, oh so natural
For most oldsters, those facts are far from factual
When eighty-plus, they barely remember
Those natural mergers with their opposite gender

Mahjong, TV, Poker and Gin, not great substitutes
For seniors, sexually destitute
This old-age frustration causes them shock
They must find a way to turn back their clock

To turn back a clock, an hour or two
Is not that difficult a turn-back to do
But to rewind years, who knows how to begin?
So back to Mahjong, TV, Poker and Gin

by Stan Cooper...5/7/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 728 times
Written on 2011-05-21 at 20:04

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Passion was intended for procreation
Not simply for recreation.

When we were young it was so much fun
But the purpose was to beget a little girl or son.

It is just as well that in our waning years
The that playful skill disappears,

For parenting a child at the age of eighty
Is a task most would find far too weighty.


Donald Thornton
I'd give this write a Blue Ribbon, yes I would.