Adyll Ellmi - A poem a day. Day 5-7

Day 5:
In darkness,
I think of you
In time of happiness
I think of you

How can you treat me like this
I don't know what else to do
What does it take to win you back
Must I swim the sea for you

I don't want to let go
I don't want to say goodbye
If you need someone to talk
I'll always be there for you

Day 6:
I just can't concentrate,
whenever I try not to think of you
I think of you even more
and that is just not good

Talk about love and affection
I know I can never be too romantic
but you know you can count on me
in time of needs and happiness too

I can be harsh at times
but it's not because I hate you
More that I'm just protecting you
so forgive me if I do you wrong

Day 7:
I really am confused
What must I do
I've gone gone through a lot,
What else is there to do?

Can I act as if I don't care?
but I know I do
I can't hide what's in my heart
but I can't hide it physically

No matter how much effort i do
I can't really win you
You won't bother to let me in
but I'll never give up

I'd give you anything
but now what do I have
in afew years time
I'll be back with a horse to win you

I know it will be hard
but I'll be all out on you
I really do love you
but you don't see me like that.


Poetry by MA 5A
Read 353 times
Written on 2011-05-31 at 03:38

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