Adyll Ellmi - A poem a day. Day 8-10

Day 8:
It's that time of the day
When you just want to be by her side
To be in her arms
Just looking into her eyes

I know I fantasises a lot
It's not wrong
but it might be to no good
so can you at least make it come true

There are times I actually thought it was you
but I was just mistaken
I feel ashamed to think I said "Hey" to you
but in reality I was talking to a stranger.

Day 9:
I don't know what I should do
Just sitting down doing nothing
can it be because I'm lost
Not Knowing which way to go

I promised myself I'd not date
not in a year time that is
until I can regain inner self back
when onlyhappiness matters.

Day 10:
The day started so early today
The only thing that I thought of was you
Whether you were doing fine
Is that wrong to do?

I know I sound so obssessed with you
but it was not my fault.

Poetry by MA 5A
Read 324 times
Written on 2011-05-31 at 03:47

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