Say What You Mean

Say what you mean
Mean what you say
A concept our leaders forgot
It's not in their scene
In their every day fray
Verity's not part of their plot

Mean what you say
Say what you mean
Refrain from fact twisting lies
We're weary of truth-less buffets
Served by your party machines
In your Halloween good guys disguise

Good folks are starving
They're hungry for bear
They cry out to elected officials
Some haven't a farthing
For a meal that is square
They're in need of the barest essentials

So you so-called leaders
Cut out the crap
Say what you mean, mean what you say
Or we'll vote out you wheelers and dealers
With your truthfulness gap
For leading our country astray

by Stan Cooper...7/6/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 674 times
Written on 2011-07-19 at 16:32

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
This speekes out for all , all over the world , Stan. Well written , so well unseal.
Ken ( D Williams )

They haven't a clue, have they? Banks and Wall Street bigshots didn't feel a single bump from the financial crisis. Meanwhile, regular people will have to work into their 80s and hard work means nothing much any more.

Great commentary poetry. Keep it coming.