The Proverbial Farmer's Daughter

The proverbial farmer's daughter
Many guys in fantasy embraced
So many tried but never caught her
She remained virginally chaste

She got to thinking, as years flew by
About the good old days
When she could have had most any guy
In the barn down deep in hay

If she could relive those times now passed
No longer would she stall
She'd give them all her nymph-o blast
And sensuously hay them all

by Stan Cooper...7/27/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 864 times
Written on 2011-08-06 at 17:23

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Toonist The PoetBay support member heart!
Give me a kiss and come to "The Old Red Barn

Oh hindsight is a wonderful thing! Thanks for the smiles as always, loved the phrase " nymph-o-blast."

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh a sad sad story , Stan , to think the farmers daughter , saw so much loving on the farm , chased , by many sooters , only to die an old maid , a spinster , still intacked , chased but never court , she should have slowed down!
Ken ( ; = ) )