
"Why" is such a curious word
To question, is its task
Factual answers are preferred
To whatever "why" might ask

Answers like "because" won't do
To "why" it's most reject-able
It doesn't indicate what's true
To "why" it's unacceptable

If "why" includes a "wherefore"
As a notable addition
An answer with a "therefore"
Will indicate cognition

The "Why", related here
Is a querying device
While questioning, it perseveres
For answers most precise

by Stan Cooper...7/29/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 675 times
Written on 2011-08-12 at 18:40

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Why? a qustan we all ask as kids , children. A queston we should ask always no mater our age. My nefues ask , some times Icould give tham an awnser. Some times I could not. But I sade '' but I will find out not just for you but I'd like to know as well''. So I'd seak anawnser , I say an awnser. As we all know thear is never just the one awnser , to any quesetan.