Senior Citz

The proverbial "wolf", young and sexually nimble
Viewed by gals as one big phallic symbol
But when he reaches the age of a Senior Citz
The use of his phallus is mainly to sprittz

Yet macho he acts, at least on the surface
Spouting claims of his huge phallic firmness
But the young wolverines know just where he's at
So they've withdrawn their sexual welcome mat

When the aged old guy is out for a spin
The best he can spin is a bottle of gin
It goes a long way when gin-ning it up
To accept old wolf-man's no longer a pup

by Stan Cooper...8/5/11 Graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 712 times
Written on 2011-08-18 at 18:38

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Sad when the times arrives , when no longer stand erect , when you need a mack to cover a damp patch , of a bladder week , when you need legs that will at least get you to the loo , or behind a wall , embarrassment of being court by a woman fair , seen you , thinking your a perve , not knowing you were court short
Ken ( ; = ) )

Hi Stan, acceptance can be hard at times, (no pun intended!) Hilarious pic.

You're a cheeky one, Mr Cooper! Hilarious pic, too!
Unfortunately the peace dove has been flashed at a few times. Not nice!
I like the structure here and the images too, even if they stir rather unpleasant memories.
Good work!