Oh America

As grief turns to anger
Let sanity reign
Oh America
Do not replace reason
With frenzy again

Pearl Harbor paranoia
Stained the Bill of Rights
Guiltless Americans interred
By misguided might

Oh America
As grief turns to anger
Let sanity reign
Do not replace reason
With frenzy again

Find strength in compassion
And pride in diversity
Justice cries out
Against misplaced adversity

To safeguard our freedoms
Sanity must reign
Oh America
Do not replace reason
With frenzy again

by Stan Cooper...9/11/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 746 times
Written on 2011-10-01 at 16:21

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Sid Gardner
As a British subject who has read early American history may I add a few words. 1776 was a watershed not just For America but for the world.The American constitution was founded not just on a piece of paper declaring the constitutiion but by the blood spilled by men at Valley Forge and Bunker Hill who fought for what they believed. Some who died on the side of the colonists were Englishmen who wanted a better deal and were prepared to fight for it. A strong America is as important now as it was in two world wars not just to sound the trumpet, but to see to it that all remember their history and who they are.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
So much left behind , so seeded , left to take root in
The Americas , by the Collenst , from the British Isles ,
The English civil wars yes there were two ,
Three steps forward , two steps back ,
The puritans no place hear ,
The shame is America stuck with 'em

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Anwar al-Awlaki. The frenzy already is here.

I like this one, Stan!
I confess my knowledge of America is not what it could be, but I appreciate the sentiments expressed so ably here: 'Do not replace reason / With frenzy again'.