
"Now none of your shenanigans", mom used to say
When she sent me to school or just out to play
It had me stumped just be-cuz
I didn't know what a shenanigan wuz

But how could I or not do that shenanigan thing
Shenanigans were foreign to me as Chinas' Beijing
I tried to be a very good kid
Who would never do what my mom forbid

Years have gone by and I find myself saddled
With those warnings from mom, I'm shenanigan baffled
Not knowing it's meaning, did I do it or not
If I unknowingly did it, I hope mom's forgot

by Stan Cooper...10/11/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 714 times
Written on 2011-10-16 at 05:27

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Sid Gardner
This one made me smile Stan. I had a mom like that. In our neck of the woods shenanigans were what went on next door when the milkman called and the old man was on day shift.