Their Disingenuous Rants

Woe is me
Will they never end
Those lies politically
That lividly offend

With truth ignored
They upon us shower
Lies deplored
In a ruthless grab for power

Their disingenuous rants
Ignore our need for truth
As they vie for corporate grants
And our votes in voting booths

The outlook's bleak for us who care
Unless we band together
And not succumb to their hot air
Vote them out forever

by Stan Cooper...10/9/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 682 times
Written on 2011-10-21 at 11:35

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I love the idea as a rant as a poem. I rage against the system constantly. The prose is super, I really like this.

Blessed Be
Blilith the Witch

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A quote from Ken Livingstone former M P and a former mayor of London : '' If voting made any diffarance it would be band! '' I need not add anything , ;)
Ken ( D Williams )