What Made Mona Lisa Smile

What or who was she smiling at
That Mona Lisa dame
When she for Da Vinci sat
It's now our guessing game

Did Leonardo tickle Mona
Or crack a funny joke
In his comedy persona
He could be a funny bloke

George Burns and Gracie Allen
Might have cracked her up
Or perhaps it was Charles Chaplin
That mischievous cut-up

But they, were not around, of course,
Miss Lisa at that time
They could not have been the source
Of her smile that was sublime

Perhaps she had too much to drink
Which made her smile her time away
Could boozing have been the laughter link
That provoked her cunning smile display

Her smiling riddle has brought her fame
It's a smile with much allure
It will go on, this guessing game
As we'll never be quite sure

by Stan Cooper...9/23/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 745 times
Written on 2011-10-29 at 02:22

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I like to think she had a good night the night before. I have seen her in The Louvre, took a pic on my phone, a bird flying high dropped a message from the sky onto my jeans, put said jeans in the wash immediately, oops phone in the washing machine, no more Mona Lisa, but it's made a lot of people smile :)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Maybe she had a touch of wind , Stan . Maybe De Vinci , had weak tummy!!!