Farther vs. Further

The use of proper English just astounds me
The American poem creator that I am
The use of "further" or "farther" just confounds me
Their nuances are as foreign as Siam

How will I ever speak concisely?
With my Lack of "farther" "further" expertise
I reckon I would speak much more precisely
If I spoke, instead of English, Siamese

This poem has gone on "further" than it should have
Or is "farther" more English-y precise
To ascertain the more correct way, I could have
Simply rolled a lucky pair of dice

I ask you with much fervor
Since my brain's now all at sea
Is it farther or is it further?
It's a puzzlement for me

by Stan Cooper...10/21/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 743 times
Written on 2011-10-31 at 17:33

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Lol! The farther you go, the further you travel :) and you sure went the distance with this one. Nice

Rob Graber
@ken: language has its snobbish uses alright, doesn't it? Glad you got revenge on that occasion!
@jenks: Nice one! At the same time, well writers probably use both gooder than sick ones!
@jim: Using a preposition to end a sentence is one of the last things I ever would of thought to accuse you of!! Now, bisecting bunnies, that's another story...


ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Reminds of one time I was visiting a friend (?!) and his then wife. Now both well educated , far far than my self. For reasons that I don't know fore sure , probably trying to make a fool of me. He started talking in an English , well may as well of been anshant Viking for all I understood of what he was saying. So I aside '' do you mind speaking an English I can understand''. Well he smiled , as he would. I got my own back , though I had not intended to. I used words neither of then could understand. She ,m the wife reached for dicanery , to find out just what I had said!. Sweet revenge!!
Ken ( D )

jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
The drawing cracks me up and i agree with Rob...shall we call it the fafu rule?
In my opinion both will usually be used well by good writers.

Surely a case of splitting hairs. Or is it hares? Furthermore, the effect (or is it affect?) of using farther when further is meant is likely to lead to other felonies, such as ending sentences with prepositions, something I, for one, could never be accused of.

Rob Graber
Well, I don't care too much about this particular distinction; but don't let me catch anyone mixing up "lay" and "lie"!! I shall pursue the issue no FURTHER here, however...
