
The searing pain in my heart

Tears streaming down my face,

I look at the person in the mirror

the stranger who is me

the frustration and bottled indignation

the pain,hurt,and insecurity

fear effaced,thoughts chasing me

down a long, lonely lane,dark and ugly.

The dying river of trust and

depleting air of love,

cause my ailing soul to perish.

I am a stranger to myself

hollow and empty,vacuumed of

every emotion,happiness,

sadness,rage,envy every drop

sucked out.

how would it sound if you tapped me?

empty of feelings or full of it?

melancholy in every walk of life

self-doubt in every breath.

breezing through every life i touch

but i am the eye of the storm

caused by those very same lives.

seemingly calm ,but no doubt

being dissected to the very bone.

feeling bare naked when my soul

is stripped,of its armour.

the armour that is impenetrable.

or was it?

reality dunking me in cold water

cautioning me to be cautious,and

not to wear my heart on my sleeve

lest its is crushed and stamped upon.

Poetry by KrupaJ
Read 439 times
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Written on 2011-11-19 at 14:15

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