For him ! :)


From far across the sea came he,
Like a mighty wave crashing down ashore
Like a foreboding lightning in the distance.
Bringing a whirlwind that is himself ;
Catching my heart unaware.

His inscrutable eyes, withholding fire,
Causing a 'quake in me ,
Pray tell me how ! , can a man ,
make me more woman !
A flower floating in a river of fire,
His love to make her blossom.

Entangled destinies or a cosmic play
The dopamine addled brain can't say. Orchestrated down to the notes,
Mellifluous and magnificent,
Humbling yet uplifting,
As our minds dance,
Fervently and passionately.

My heart calling out to the Universe,
Beseeching it to help me love the one, who has a child-like heart,
Intense in love and believing in goodness
Help me give... Help me share the amour , ardour, and affection !
In all its beatific glory and bliss,
Of togetherness and love.

Poetry by KrupaJ
Read 512 times
Written on 2014-04-11 at 18:51

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