
When you fail to see the obvious before you
When you're blind to what's obviously the truth
When exciting things around just seem to bore you
It's obvious, my friend, you've lost your youth

When to friends you appear to be cantankerous
When you tend to hold most others in disdain
When your better-side is cranky and most rancorous
Perhaps it's you, old boy, who is a pain

When aging it may be hard to be objective
Rejecting many things that seem too new
With insight you may find a fresh perspective
And show tolerance to other points of view

by Stan Cooper...11/30/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 713 times
Written on 2011-12-11 at 15:18

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I love your stuff, you always kick against everything, that is what I like and the way you can express it. More power to you. Do some more, please.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Why, that's just nonsense! (Wink, wink)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
When age springs up on us ,
Out of the shadows of the years ,
When we our inner mind ,
Still has something to say ,
Our body's , suddenly can not ,
Obay the instuckshands given ,
By our minds inner ans outer ,
Then I recon we have the right ,
To be rather cantankerous!
Ken ( D Williams)

Gosh, such a mellow, philosophical tone, and advice well worth heeding.

Funny and oh, so true!

So true. Sometimes people use seniority as an excuse for rudeness and intolerance, as if after years of keeping their bad attitudes in check, they've earned the right to be a jerk.

On the other hand, there's plenty of young persons who are equally cantankerous.

Amusing and insightful poetry, as always.
