I Ain't Gonna

I ain't gonna poem no more no more
I ain't gonna poem no more
My poemin' days have come and gone
I ain't gonna poem no more

I think what I wrote above is true
I think what I wrote is true
But if what I thunk ain't gonna be
What good does my thunkin' do?

So I ain't gonna thunk or poem no more
I'll not thunk or poem no more
Since thinking and poem-in' is causin' me strife
Poem-in and thinkin's now out of my life

by Thunkin Stan Cooper...5/26/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 863 times
Written on 2011-12-23 at 14:49

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This reminds me of an old '60s poster of an old lady in a rocking chair who says something like: 'Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits.'

I think it's well and good to take a holiday from thunking occasionally.

your poemin days has just come...its not fair for us...keep writing friend...keep inspiring young poets like me...please :)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Y's the thunking poet , poit ,
Y's write as you see's it ,
Y's tell it as it is ,
Y's keep it a comeing ,
Y's Stan the poit man
Ken ( D Williams )


If this is true, thunk agin.
Get into the blues man and get them prose and poems licking
If you go from this site and stop
I will miss you
my poet friend

Toonist The PoetBay support member heart!
So you ain't gonna write no poems no more no more
You ain't gonna write no poems no more
With The Bard out of sight
it just ain't right
You gotta not close that door
Though it's a fair cop you ain't gonna stop
We just want more and more
If you don't write one soon
I'll have nothing to 'toon
Let's face it pal you're the top.