Civilization Ain't What It's Cracked Up To Be

Bigoted racists filled with hatred
Religious fanatics with only their thoughts sacred
Destructive weapons that keep us in fear
Threaten to destroy most things we hold dear

Hot wars and cold wars, extreme confrontations
Blustering threats with few limitations
Good folk are homeless with no aid in view
Glory and power in hands of the few

Civilized society is mans' noble attempt
To advance his social development
But its' noble fruition we'll never see
Civilization ain't what it's cracked up to be

by Stan Cooper...11/29/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 776 times
Written on 2011-12-31 at 16:17

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Jalaj Soni
We need more sensible people and less non.. IMO
nice poem

Rob Graber
I like to think we need more time; and maybe even more people. Enjoyed!

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
"Cracked up" actually might be the appropriate term.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
The Romans first the phrase '' civilization '' . Called those they conked '' barbarians '' , whos lands and it's people they enslaved , I one who's kind of proud to call my self a BARBARIAN , that we hear on '' poetbay '' , through our words , prove we a human beings , can rub a long with out coursing any sparks , yet spread light through out the unnerverse , a plase the old and young a like encurege each other to carry that light in words that we write , long may it be so.
Ken ( D Williams )

Definitely. Not much civility in this civilized world. Another new year and still we humans muddle through and somehow manage to screw things up even more than they were. Good social comment poem.

Bollox, this keybooard is crap, but think it's me.

There is always you and me
We are old, in our mind still young, but wise
Let us rage against the machine
Never stop fighting
Never ever give in
One day
will winll
