Shakespeare Was American

Shakespeare was American, of that there's little doubt
The English falsely claim him; on this they're quite devout
He was a true New Yorker, a real proud Brookly-nite
Who never saw the Dover cliffs, that famous English site

He wrote about Miss Juliet, that lovely New York dame
Wooed on a fire-escape by Romeo who knew the woo-ing game
How would the British know about fire-escape romance?
Their proximity to fire-escapes, methinks it would be France

Let's hold Brits accountable for claiming Shakespeare as their own
Particularly since they've other writers who are almost as well known
Americans haven't stole from them the likes of Byron and of Keats
So please, you envious Britishers, no more Shakespearian deceits

by Stan Cooper...1/4/2012 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 804 times
Written on 2012-01-08 at 15:21

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Jalaj Soni
haha. funny :P


For an Amrican you have a wicked sense of humour and irony, please keep posting, your stuff always makes me laugh.
Thank you

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Well why not , I say ,
No dowt now ,
Shakespear is oftan said ,
Some else wrote the plays ,
Shakespear was writen ,
By someone else , than he
Ken (D Williams)