
Some old-timers are all abuzz
'Cuz things are no longer what they wuz
Most recollections from the past
Are just fond memories, 'cuz they didn't last

New-fangled stuff they think half-witted
Like tweeters they're sure are over twitted
They're certainly certain those new I-Pads
Are nothing more than passing fads

They insist Google is full of blarney
'Cuz they recall Google with first name Barney
And wonder why all the ballyhoo
About that computer nonsense called Yahoo

A trip for a Mars bar was to the local candy store
Now to reach Mars they go many miles more
Some old-timers are all abuzz
'Cuz things are no longer what they wuz

by Stan Cooper...12/23/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 798 times
Written on 2012-01-12 at 17:51

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jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
so true and funny :)
buzzzz old timers!

As usual mental but brilliant, keep going my friend, keep on.


ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Nufing changes dat stays at is ,
Us oldy timers recall der landings ,
On de moon or woz we foold? ,
We just got usde to puting in the time ,
In tape thingy under the tely ,
Now we goter figer out the D V D thingy ,
Moble fon woz on starteky , flat scren Three D T V ,
Rember blake and white gogle box , easy to fix when it went wrong ,
Hamer it with your fist till it stops roling ,
Fourteen inch was all nwe apsierd to , now its 50 inch ,
Just like being at he flicks ,
Times they are a changeing
Chears Stan me old muckaroo.