
All things in nature are unique
Each bird has its' own special kind of beak
When it comes to the humps of a camel
No two humps are the same on that mammal

Identical twins, one of natures' special works of art
Challenge us to tell them apart
But the subtle differences they've definitely got
Means in reality, identical they're not

Gorgeous spots on leopards abound
Most of them shaped beautifully round
The abundance of spots appear in batches
Similarities yes, but with no exact matches

Though many humans bear close resemblance
To believe they're the same is a misleading semblance
Believe it or not, it's a true fact
Even dead ringers aren't exactly exact

by Stan Cooper...10/27/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 739 times
Written on 2012-01-15 at 20:10

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super! Stan Cooper!
its a pleasure to start with your texts when i login
keep it up

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
When they made you from the blueprint , Stan , they made you. No other did they see the need to make a nouther. ;)

my unique friend
You have a way with words
I can only hope
to aspire to
Keep on


Oh *Applause*

And you're a one off Stan, in the nicest possible way. uniquely enjoyed!