E=MC Squared

No one would ever refute
That one plus one is an easy compute
But most of us are not prepared
To relate to E=MC squared

We'd need a magic potion
To find its' relative quotient
We're relatively humble and speechless
At Professor Einstein's relative genius

by Stan Cooper...8/14/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 770 times
Written on 2012-01-18 at 17:22

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Melissa Ormond
I don't understand Math at all, but I wish I did!
Well done! I enjoyed the read:)
Keep writing!

Jalaj Soni
If you throw a ping pong ball in a train at the speed of 2 kmph, the train running at 80kmph, the person on the platform will see the ball to move at 82kmph while the person inside the train will see it move at only 2kmph.

Both are right.

So, the speed of the ping pong ball is relative to the position of the viewer.

Speed of light, on the other hand, is not relative. If you travel at half the speed of light, and a beam of light passes by you, you'd see its speed NOT at half of the speed of light but at the speed of light itself. What changes is the time..

Thus, time travel is possible if we could travel at speeds close to the speed of light...

Sth of the like.. :P

What he showed was that the speed of light is not relative...the theory should have been called the theory of the absolute. Have you all forgotten the humour of scientists...black holes are not holes...chaos theory is not about chaos.. string theory is not even a theory , it's a bunch of ideas...poets should be at the front not the back.

Whoops it's Rob that writes Uncle Ikey, so sorry about that. Sometimes I get confused I read so amny poems, but I love your work.

One of Einstein's great insights was to realize that matter and energy are really different forms of the same thing. Matter can be turned into energy, and energy into matter.

This equation helped to produce the Atomic bomb.

A good iambic as usual,

Thanks Stan

But where is Uncle Ilkey

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Dear Einstine one of me's , a dyslexic!! He had no time for simpole sums , borde him in no time at at all , the bigeer the compex he lovde , a braine like no other , twice , thre times than others , many a more like he , Lenardo De Vinsey , or Leonardo da Vinci , as more populer known , had minds exstroderaly so , unlike me ofcpourse , I type not knowing what will apear
Ken ( D Williams ) ( ;- ) )

Rob Graber
It's more than a little hard to "relate to" indeed!