Here One Minute

"Here one minute, gone the next"
To claim otherwise is pure pretext
Since it states a long known truth
Case in point, our long gone youth

Not many good things really last
Most of them disappear too fast
Here are samples
Of relevant examples

That quality radio called Magnavox
Has gone the way of the bobby-sox
How many of us now ride trolleys
Or swoon at gals in the Ziegfeld Follies

From childhood to adulthood in our 'minute' of life
We enjoy good times and struggle through strife
"Here one minute, gone the next"
To claim otherwise is pure pretext

by Stan Cooper...11/17/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 668 times
Written on 2012-02-10 at 16:06

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How true, and well written by the way. :-)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
When THAT man with the scythe comes calling. I'll send to my rear guardon , plenty of work for him and his perishing scythe. Must be this high , that will keep him busy for a quite a while!! And stop him bothering dear old me!!
Ken D